Geospatial Gurus
A speakeasy, conversational chat with thought leaders and entrepreneurs to bring the science of geography to the fore. With questions that start with the Who, Where, Why, When, What and How- we promise to bring you geospatial and location insights that are noteworthy as well as fun to listen to. Our audience is YOU and our goal is to bring Geospatial bliss into your daily lives.
Podcasting since 2020 • 3 episodes
Geospatial Gurus
Latest Episodes
Cesium brings 3D simulation at scale using Geospatial data and a Leader who works the trenches with ease.
What do Google, NVIDIA, Microsoft, NORAD have in common? The answer is Cesium. If you love Christmas, then you love Santa Claus, and NORAD tracks Santa’s journey using Cesium JS across the globe each year. And many corporations use the open sta...
Season 2
Episode 7
Women in Geospatial Thought Leadership Series: Ananya Narain, 40 under 40; Upcoming Woman in AEC/Geospatial
Ms Ananya Narain, Industry manager AEC, for Geospatial Media & Communications. Ananya has helped the European Commission, in assessing geospatial preparedness and conducting geospatial market evaluations. She was recently announced a...
Season 2
Episode 2
Geospatial Gurus: How Unacast's human mobility insights power some of the critical decisions marketers face today
Come see what is common between music streaming (algorithm) and location intelligence for human mobility insights in the post-COVID world. See how Real-estate, Pharma, Retail, School districts, Smart cities and Autonomous can leverage the power...
Season 1
Episode 1